May 2009 Board Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Tuesday 19th May 2009 at 2.00pm in the Boardroom, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8.
Present: Ms. Maura McGrath (Chairperson)
Dr. Robert Landers
Mr. Sean Wyse
Mr. David Lowe
Ms. Margaret Mullett
Mr. Gerry O'Dwyer
Ms. Jane O'Brien
Mr David Keenan
Dr Cees Van Der Poel
Dr Mary Cahill
Apologies: Dr Margaret Murray
Mr Mark Moran
Also in attendance: Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive
Dr. William Murphy, Medical &Scientific Director
Ms Mirenda O'Donovan Secretary to the Board
It was agreed that Ms Jane O'Brien would update Dr Margaret Murray and Mr Dave Keenan would update Mr Mark Moran.
1. Minutes of the meeting of 21st April 2009
The minutes of the meeting of 21st April 2009 were agreed subject to amendment and were proposed by Mr Sean Wyse and seconded by Ms Margaret Mullett.
2. Matters arising
vCJD Expert Advisory Group
The Chairperson had written to the Minister seeking the reestablishment of this advisory group. The Chairperson had received a response from the Minister saying that this was now a matter for the HSE. A copy of the letter is to be given to the Chair of the MAC
Sale of Plasma
The Chair of the MAC had spoken to the Chair of the Ethics Committee in CUH and the understanding is that there is no ethical issue regarding the sale of plasma as this by-product is currently destroyed. It was agreed that the issue of donor consent would be considered in detail.
3. Chief Executive's Report
The IMB will carry out an audit of the National Haemovigilance Office on 10/12 June.
Laboratory Review - Cork
The Director of HR was meeting Chiefs in Cork today.
MUH Transfer
A meeting will take place in Cork on 28/05 to finalise the project plan for the transfer of services to MUH by 1st September.
Pension Scheme
The CE met the DOH&C to discuss the status of the pension scheme, now that the pension levy is being applied to IBTS staff. There was no progress made at this meeting.
Cork Centre
Discussions are ongoing with the DOH&C regarding timelines for the drawing down of funds for the new Cork Centre.
HR Issues
The MLSA circular regarding acting up positions was discussed. It was noted that the Finance Committee had lengthy discussions that morning with the Finance Steering Group about possible cost saving measures.
Blood for Life Week will commence on World Blood Donor Day, 14th June.
Other issues
It was noted that the issue of the National Haemovigilance Office carrying out the regulatory functions on behalf of the IMB was still a live issue, being pursued by the CE.
It was also noted that the Chairperson would meet the Minister on 25th May to discuss Board membership.
4. Implementation of saving measures on public service numbers
The Board discussed the submission made to the DOH&C for the filling of service-critical posts.
5. Presentation by the Operations Director
The Operations Director gave a presentation to the Board on the blood supply, the donation process review and the implementation of BOSS. The Board thanked the Operations Director for his detailed and informative presentation.
6. Research & Development in the IBTS
It was agreed to defer this item to the June Board meeting
7. Annual Presentation by the Medical & Scientific Director
It was agreed to defer this item to the June Board meeting
8. Minutes of the MAC meeting on 17th February
It was noted that blood pressure and pulse was being withdrawn from clinics. The reestablishment of the vCJD advisory group was discussed. It was also agreed that in respect of critical specialties, members of the MAC should be able to nominate an alternate and that the Chair of the MAC would make a recommendation to the board on that alternate.
It was agreed that the Chairperson of the MAC would draft a form of words to facilitate this and forward it to the CE. The Chair of the MAC will also be meeting the Professor of Medicine at UCC to discuss academic issues and she will update the Board at the next meeting when the paper prepared by the Medical and Scientific Director is discussed.
9. Review of Internal Controls
The Board reviewed and approved the statement of Internal Financial Controls which had been previously discussed by the Audit & Compliance Committee.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Board will take place at the NBC on Tuesday 16th June at 2.00pm. The substantive items will be Research and Development in the IBTS - Strategic Options and the Annual presentation by Medical & Scientific Director.